Line Story
The Powerful Honey Bee And FROG
A frog is sitting in a pond in the forest looking for prey. Soon a group of bees pass over the pond. One of these bees suddenly falls into the pond. When the frog sees it, it catches the bee. When the other bees saw it, they went to the powerful bee for help. the powerful male honey bee is resting in its home. When the bees tell her, she asks him for help. He goes with them for help. When the bee sees that frog, he has caught the bee. He fights with him and saves him.

In the first scene powerful honeybee resting in our house. (Closeup shoot)
A frog is sitting in a pond in the forest looking for prey. (Closeup shoot)
In this third, a group of bees pass over the pond.
In this fourth scene, one of these bees suddenly falls into the pond and when the frog sees it, it catches the bee.
In the fifth scene when the other bees saw it. They go to the powerful bee for help.
In the sixth scene when the bees tell her and ask him for help. He goes with them for help. When the bee sees that frog, he has caught the bee. He fights with him and saves him.

short animantion


short animantion
