Sarah Welch's profile

Moss Wall Outcome Process

Moss wall Process
I began by sketching out some initial ideas on an A2 design sheet of the potential shapes for my physical textile moss wall, I looked at a fixed rectangle shape following my research on existing green wall structures, I also considered a more abstract shape that would be more accurate to a natural environment. However I also considered using some of my materials I gathered from my primary research visit to Sunny bank mill and the small business called Scrap where I bought a recycled wooden circle and felt this would be perfect to include into my work and repurpose it for my outcome creation.
Once I had chosen what shape I was going to put my design onto, I did a more detailed plan within my sketchbook and compiled together some of the materials I needed and the method I thought would be best to make it following my media experimentation week. I settled on the circular shape using the recycled wooden board I bought from Scarp at Sunny Bank Mill.
Sample Piece

Before I went straight into creating my outcome I created a small sample piece on some cotton fabric in which I experimented with different shapes and sizes of pom poms, aswell as cutting them to create different textures, some more rounded like types of moss whereas others had a more scraggly wild appearance. I began sewing them together onto fabric alongside scraps of felt to fill in the gaps. 
I used a YouTube tutorial in how to make neater pom poms and adapted them from there. My friend lent me some pom pom makers which sped the process up a lot! they were three different sizes and although I was only using scraps of different yarn and string for this initial exploration I knew this technique was successful and was going to give me the desired affect.
Asset Creation

I bought green and brown coloured yarn from Hobby craft to create an array of different coloured and styles of pom poms for my moss wall outcome over the Easter holidays, I did have help from my mum and dad and we made ALOT. I needed enough to cover the entire board however I did buy sheets of recalled felt to layer onto the wood and apply the 3D pom poms onto.
The process step my step written in my sketchbook and how I layered all the pom poms I had created and how I created one of my final outcomes! Initially I had left gaps and wanted it to have a more abstract application however I found covering the circle entirely and giving it a fuller look was more effective in how I wanted this final outcome to look.
Developing further

To take my outcome further I decide I wanted to look at some alternative purposes instead of just a wall decoration. I kept the theme of circles clear throughout and had noticed the circular wall lights at college and took photos of them.
Alternative outcome ideas very rough sketches of other ideas
Moss Wall Outcome Process

Moss Wall Outcome Process


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