Conversation is King

The content marketing, what is this about? Who believes this is only about content is wrong.  It's only a leverage for good conversations. Thus successful content marketer need to listen in the first place before they start producing content.

Finding the idea

Before I get started, there are some decisions to make: How the film is going to be so the audience would stay focused until the end? What kind of illustration would match the story and is flexible enough to be animated? How do I organize the production and stay within my budget?

A storyboard is a binding plan for the implementation of the film. We need a couple of drafts to nail it down. At the same time, our voice-over speaker delivers his rough recordings. These are very important right now when it comes to defining the timing. As soon the storyboard is approved by the client the production begins. 

The style

My client and I, we already agreed on the style we should use. Now I'm taking some time to define it. How can I emphasize things? How animation goes?

Getting done

Scene by scene, frame by frame I draw all still and moving parts well sorted to pass them to Johannes, the motion designer at KircherBurkhardt who's my partner on this job.

And when everything is done: illustrations, animations, voice-over, sound and motion design and the directing work to coordinate the actions in the scenes, then ...

... the film is complete!

Conversation is King

Conversation is King

What is content marketing about? Who believes this is all about content is wrong. Content is not the king. It's only a leverage for good conversa Read More
