Profil appartenant à Rafael Moreno

E. C. VITÓRIA 2024

In 2023, Esporte Clube VITÓRIA was national champion in the second division of the Brazilian championship, guaranteeing its presence in the elite of national football in 2024. To celebrate this title, a special uniform was launched using for the first time the star on top of the shield.
In this project I was able to completely immerse myself in each process, from script production to video editing. For the uniform, I used Marvelous Designer in conjunction with Maxon Cinema 4D and rendered in RedShift.
Below I will be presenting some frames from this process and I hope you like them.

Red blood, black skin
This year, we put on a new skin, full of symbolism and meaning that echoes our identity, our strength, our struggle. “Red blood, black skin” is more than a phrase; It is a manifesto of inclusion, respect, and recognition of those who, with their courage and talent, shaped our trajectory and marked our name in history.

This is our new skin, our uniform for the coming battle. Let's go together, with a red and black heart and soul, to write another unforgettable chapter in the history of Vitória.

- The Crowd -

- The Cloak -

"Blood, Sweat and Glory: Vitória's New Skin"


           3D Artist: Rafael Moreno
           Client: E. C. Vitória
           Marketing Director: Guilherme Queiroz        
           Agency: Mith               



E. C. VITÓRIA 2024
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E. C. VITÓRIA 2024

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