Isabella Faulkners profil

Poster Design: Grid-Based and Postmodern

Grid-Based and Postmodern Poster Designs
Spring 2024 Typography II
The objective of this project was to create two posters using provided information about a contemporary design lecture: a grid-based design, and a postmodern interpretation that breaks the grid. These posters are meant to relate to one another and relay the necessary information in interesting ways that emphasize the excitement around contemporary design to an audience of designers and students.
The process to reach my final design for the grid-based poster a bit lengthy. With the only rule being that the information had to fit within a grid, it was difficult to come up with all other elements of the poster design including display font choice, color palette, title treatment, layout, and placement of information. With so much freedom, I made three wildly different first drafts of the grid based poster, all with different qualities. I found myself drawn to the color palette and title treatment of my third draft, which I ultimately revised in order to create my final grid-based poster. 
Process Work
Poster Design: Grid-Based and Postmodern

Poster Design: Grid-Based and Postmodern


Kreative områder