Branding Project
Sketches: During the sketching phase I had quite a few ideas, however I struggled to convey one of my attempted concepts, dino mortician. However with snake hairdresser I had a strong idea that I was very passionate about, the concept of the Medusa.
When it came to polishing my concept I originally had a Medusa with wild hair against a solid black face, however it was lacking in conveying hairdresser. 

From there I experimented with different popular hairstyles, but found the simplicity of the pixie cut to look the cleanest. I then took my drawing of the logo into Illustrator, where I recreated the logo in vector, and adjusted the line weight to give it more variety.
Business Cards: With the business cards, the mock ups were the most challenging part, as I found the typography relatively simple. Finding a good texture for the business cards was a bit difficult, but once I did, I had a lot of fun putting together the cards.
Collateral: Since I created a salon business, I thought it made sense to create a custom shampoo and conditioner line. I found blank bottles to edit and add my own labels and customization onto it. 
Logo Project

Logo Project
