heating rethought
Starting point of this product were thoughts about the actual way we heat our homes and offices. Too often we just heat as much as we can and keep forgetting afterwards to shut it down again. 

Result is that we waste a lot of heating power, for example in the night time or when we open the windows for cold air. Basic principle of my Heatpot is to bring back a conscious handling of heaters. Connected to the actual heating, you have to put log for log on top of the cylinder, where they roll down and get collected at the end of the spiral.
Every 20 minutes one log falls down again into the storage and signalises the heater 
to fire another 20 minutes. It‘s strongly related to metaphors of campfires and old ovens to provide the user a emotional and intentional ritual for heating.
For further information do not hesitate to contact me
Thanks for watching!


HeatPot is a project about rethinking the way we heat, By providing a new ritual, a new experience for heating our homes and offices it creates a Read More
