Art in the Age of AI
Integrating AI into Traditional Practices
Warning: Potentially contentious topic ahead! I want to raise an important question about a subject that is becoming increasingly relevant to artists: How to make money from AI-generated art and from a more basic aspect of it, should we embrace or reject the revolution?
Throughout my 18-year career as a tattoo artist, I have created all my art by hand, without the use of digital tools. I've thoroughly enjoyed the process, and both myself and my clients have been highly satisfied with the results. Initially, I felt timid about AI art, fearing it might render traditional artists obsolete due to its impressive outcomes. However, after diving deeper into it, I've come to realize that, as with any new tool, there are both advantages and disadvantages to using and adapting to AI-generated art.
In my newly introduced online store, I have strategically embraced the "if you can't beat them, join them" mindset. Well, kind of. Instead of generating all art by hand, I decided to integrate human skills with AI. I use AI as a tool to initiate the art piece, and then real-life tattoo artists to improve it. I believe that the resulting art pieces are more than satisfactory for their purpose - monetizing AI art. Since the process is much less time-consuming, it allows me to focus more attention on other aspects of running a new brand of an online store.
In my view, human-generated art will forever be superior to artificial art for numerous reasons. That said, it is wise to benefit from the opportunities that arise from unavoidable changes. As you can clearly understand, I chose a side - mine.
My online store:
Art in the Age of AI
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Art in the Age of AI

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