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Dominate Why you need a Bol Repricer

Changes in the eCommerce world and online marketplaces happen fast. That goes for buyers and sellers. The first group, browse the site, buy (or not), and leave. The second group has to keep up with new market opportunities and the competitor’s price changes. But for sellers, manually modifying their prices takes a lot of time. 

For example, Amazon, one of the leading online marketplaces, changes its prices every 10 minutes, according to Business Insider. With the number of products Amazon has, it is obvious they use a repricer. But this tool also helps you increase your sales, optimize listings, and save time and effort.   

Bol is the largest online marketplace in the Netherlands and Belgium. It offers enormous market opportunities for sellers because they can reach many potential new customers and increase their sales and profits. Now, we are going to tell you why your business must sell through the Bol marketplace and why you have to use the Bol Repricer developed by PriceTweakers to help you in this process and win the Buy Box. 

1- Win the Bux Box 
The principal reason you should use the Bol Repricer developed by PriceTweakers is that it gives you the tools to win the Buy Box. Sellers on Bol and other online marketplaces look to win the Buy Box because it increases the chances of making a sale. Our program tells you which competitors are winning the Buy Box and the criteria to win it. These are the elements to win the Buy Box on Bol. 

Selling price 
Delivery speed 
Customer performance 

2- Increase profit margins 
The Bol Repricer made by PriceTweakers helps you increase your company's profits by taking advantage of market opportunities and your competitors' mistakes. For instance, if one of your competitors runs out of stock on an item, the Bol Repricer will take advantage of that. In this case, it will adjust the price (increase it) to maximize your profits. Also, it can change the prices of your products when you are running low on stock on an item or when the market dictates it. So, although you have a lower price, you will sell more, increasing your profits. 

3- Saves time  
Manual repricing takes a lot of time. Losing time on eCommerce and online marketplaces means a loss of money. Imagine sitting in front of your computer, changing the prices of your products one by one, and monitoring your competitors. That is ineffective, and that time can be spent doing something else. The Bol Repricer developed by PriceTweakers works 24/7. They do not take vacations and repricer your products at any time of the day. Also, you can modify the prices of your products in groups, saving time for you and your employees.  
4- Smart tool 
The repricer programs are powerful tools. They gather a lot of information from the market and your competitors. Using the Bol Repricer made by PriceTweakers will give you a wide range of valuable information for future pricing strategies and repricing. For example, one price of data that it will give you is price changes from your competitors. But there is much more. Plus, and as we said in the second point, they identify opportunities in the market to raise the price. 

5- Repricing is fast and accurate  
Responding quickly to price changes is a must in eCommerce. If you take too long, you will lose money. Don’t forget that you are in an intense environment where other companies constantly check what their competitors are doing. Furthermore, manual repricing leaves room for human mistakes. You can have a team double-checking everything, but the margin of error is always there. One error in plugging one number in a calculator, and everything goes downhill.   
With the Bol Repricer made by PriceTweakers, you can modify the prices of all your products in a matter of a few minutes and with no errors. Additionally, the changes are active and immediately reflected on your website. 

Selling on Bol offers magnific market opportunities, and you need a tool that will help you win the Buy Box and increase your sales. The new Bol Repricer developed by PriceTweakers ensures that you have the best prices on the site. Plus, our algorithms and AI guarantee you that the essential criteria relevant to winning the Buy Box are taken into account. There are several factors within the Bol Marketplace that you need to get right to win the Buy Box. PriceTweakers offers you this and much more! Contact us for more information.     
Dominate Why you need a Bol Repricer


Dominate Why you need a Bol Repricer
