Illustrations for the Myth of Icarus
This is a series of illustrations for the Myth of Icarus.
To be honest every time I met this myth I got angry. There was a feeling that this story tried to blame Icarus for his fall, showed him a stupid boy who wanted to show off. And I thought that it was absolutely unfair.
Just imagine, your father makes a pair of wings out of wooden sticks, feathers and wax and forces you to fly from an island (where your mother lives) above the sea in a very long and uncertain distance to somewhere... well, it sounds terrible. And, in my point of view, Daedalus did not explain his son all dangerous moments of this flight.
And imagine, in this scary situation you decide not to follow your father but to flu up to the sun!
For me, it is a story of a child who was not cared of. And this child chose freedom and the burning warmth of the sun instead of his father. 
In the palace of King Minos
Planning the escape
Farewell, Crete!
Closer to the sun
Thank you!
Myth of Icarus

Myth of Icarus


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