Isaac Moles sin profil

Connemara Whiskey Redesign

Connemara Whiskey Redesign
Key Information:
Connemara Whiskey, established in 1999, is the only peated Irish whiskey. A region in Ireland itself, Connemara is home to both Connemara National Park, which hosts a rugged landscape, and the Connemara Stallion which is a prestigious breed in equestrian sport. 
The Design Problem:
The current bottle design uses elements of the Connemara region arbitrarily, and the choices made do not reflect what is inside the bottle. This redesign uses the qualities of the Connemara Stallion to tell a story about what a customer can expect from the whiskey itself: something elegant, bold, rugged, and bred/refined to perfection for generations.
Original Design
The Use of AI:
When creating the horse head, I used AI to create a based design below to build from. I used the prompt "angry horse head, front facing, black and white, portrait, snorting" to generate the image below. I regenerated the image with this prompt many times before landing on this result. From this, I made this the design my own to best fit the solution I was going for.
My Process:
Before starting the design itself, I put hours of research into the Connemara Stallion and the Connemara region to ensure that my design solution would be as appropriate and effective as possible. From my research, I made the mind-map shown below as a I way of organizing my thoughts and inspiring as many ideas as possible. From this mind-map, I then moved to sketching. Originally, I spent much of my time designing the text for the label, but in the end I decided that the story of the Connemara Stallion packed a much bigger punch, and decided to make that the focal point of the design. 
Connemara Whiskey Redesign

Connemara Whiskey Redesign
