KINO PAVASARIS 2024 Vilnius International Film Festival

KINO PAVASARIS is an annual Vilnius International Film Festival that has been presenting top-class films within Lithuania since 1995. To this day, the festival remains one of the most anticipated cultural events, full of carefully curated programs that reveal the positive aspects of cinema — those that help to inspire change in us. To be brave, to speak up, and to listen carefully when necessary. Each year, over 100 original feature films are divided into a number of different programs that invite the audience to open up to personal mini-transformations.

When creating the brochure, the main goal was to present information about the programs and repertoire in a user-friendly manner, reflecting this year's image. In order to provide additional personalization, pages with film rating scales and space for notes were created at the end — to allow one to feel like a proper film critic. To make it easier to find the necessary information, a sidebar navigation was implemented.

VISUAL IDENTITY — Gabrielė Monginaitė & Regis Pranaitis
PHOTOGRAPHY — Greta Janutytė
CLIENT — Kino Pavasaris
YEAR — 2024

KINO PAVASARIS 2024 Vilnius International Film Festival