“Grazie nonna” is a project that was created to bring Italian cuisine to the homes of Spaniards and people all over the world, in a simple and fun way. In the name we find ‘Nonna’, grandmother, the one who cooks par excellence in the traditional way. The easiest and most classic Italian dish is undoubtedly pasta, so I decided to create three different packs with different pasta shapes, sauces and cheeses. All followed by authentic recipes.
What was missing in the brand image was a modern and ironic touch, so I decided to take more traditional photos of grandmothers making pasta by hand and make them cooler.
So I took the photos, put the black and white filter, always to keep a more authentic image and drew in red modern and young elements such as earrings, heavy make-up, piercing, false eyelashes, coloured hair. And these are the three main characters: Nonna Maria, Nonna Gabriella, Nonna Lucia.
Grazie Nonna


Grazie Nonna
