I would have to tell that technology helped me a lot to develop my character for this cute monster project. Using websites that were available to me - such as Behance and Pintrest – I was able to think up of my female character and design her into the portrait that she is in now. By looking at other project, my mind was able to mix things up together and become this cute monster it is now.
I don’t believe that I would have been able to carry out this piece if technology didn’t exist because I wouldn’t have had a canvas to work on, I wouldn’t have had the proper tools, and we all would most likely have been dead years ago. Without technology being a part of lives, we wouldn’t have many of the things we use today such from smart phones to the clothes we are wearing to a simple pencil.
Technology enables me to learn more from other artists by comparing my own work to theirs then learning new ways of how to improve my own and not make it too simple, make it more into my own creative piece of work. Observing others also gives me more ideas for my own piece.
Cute Monster: Kerma Kettu

Cute Monster: Kerma Kettu

Kerma Kettu is a fox-like being on her planet Philious. She is 302 years old which is the dreaded 'teen years' in her world. She runs around crea Развернуть
