Ion Lucins profil

Vitrium Opus - 3D Glass Typography Posters

Poster Vol 03

A new series of 3D Typographic poster designs.
All of my personal projects, are actually personal explorations and experiments, self challenges and a good excuse to try out something new, learn something new, self imposed suffering and despair, in order to create.
In this case, i wanted to experiment with glass textures in 3D, with Typography, in order to create new design compositions of new and interesting visual styles. But more important than the visual, is the visual metaphor, the harmony between text expression and visual expression.
I had a lot of fun, and stress, creating these, hope you enjoy them, and if you like any of them and you would like to own a physical framed copy of one, for the first time, some are available for purchase. More can be made available, just let me know.

Prints available for purchase here:

To design something truly good, i first need to create a bunch of bad ones.
This is a selection of rejects, some of the better ones.
Do bad, to do better, to then do good.โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹

Vitrium Opus - 3D Glass Typography Posters


Vitrium Opus - 3D Glass Typography Posters
