Francesca Bortolan profili

Recharge | Hiking Cabin | MA final project

Pyrenees, FR | 2023​​​​​​​
Recharge combines two personal passions: architecture and the high mountains sports.
The thesis aims to explore the challenge of building at high altitudes. The mountain context has always been an architectural lab for materials and technologies. The mountain environment suffers various climate changes, sometimes extremes, and buildings must withstand intense weather events and temperatures and provide safe shelter for hikers.
Safety is the main requirement in this specific architectural form and the materials applied must respond to great stress. Furthermore, attention to the environment and sustainability is important when architecture is placed in a natural context.
Human attention in a complex context is the project’s aim, nowadays architecture not only acts as a shelter but gives humans a safe place, placing at their disposal, in the most appropriate, everything they may need for his survival. Sustainability is a necessity, the composition is functional, the materials are durable and resistant and the design integrates into the territory. The architecture designed to be prefabricated and subsequently assembled is autonomous and allows maintenance and labour costs to be reduced.
Recharge | Hiking Cabin | MA final project
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Recharge | Hiking Cabin | MA final project

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