Muhammad Mahrouss profil

FORD SUV | Your Journey Towards New Horizons - Ad

Showcase Ford SUVs' capability to navigate through the challenging terrain of the Saudi Arabian desert.
Target Audience
Adventure enthusiasts, off-road drivers, families looking for reliable transportation in harsh environments.
Key Message
Ford SUVs offer unmatched performance and durability in extreme conditions.


The concept revolves around highlighting Ford SUVs as the ultimate vehicles for conquering the desert.
Emphasis on the ruggedness, durability, and reliability of Ford SUVs.
Communicate the sense of adventure and freedom associated with exploring the desert in a Ford SUV.

Art Direction

Visual Elements
Stunning desert landscapes featuring vast dunes and rugged terrain.
Ford SUVs showcased prominently, navigating through the challenging terrain with ease.
Dramatic harsh lighting to enhance the sense of adventure and excitement.

Color Palette
Earthy tones such as sandy beige, deep browns, and shades of green to complement the desert landscape.
Bold accents of Ford blue to highlight the brand identity and stand out against the desert backdrop.

Strong, bold fonts for the headlines to convey strength and reliability.
Clean, modern fonts for the body text to ensure readability and professionalism.

Outdoor Campaign

High-traffic areas in major cities of Saudi Arabia, near adventure sports hubs, and popular desert excursion points.
Large billboards strategically placed along highways and main roads.
Visual Composition
Eye-catching visuals of Ford SUVs conquering the desert terrain.
Concise yet powerful messaging emphasizing the ruggedness and reliability of Ford SUVs.

Ready to Bring Your Vision to Life? Let's Create Something Amazing Together!
Contact Me Today to Get Started!

FORD SUV | Your Journey Towards New Horizons - Ad


FORD SUV | Your Journey Towards New Horizons - Ad
