Profilo di Garrett Martin

Roamer(s): Travel Made Easier For Everyone

Roamer(s): Travel Made Easier for Everyone
Mobile Travel App: Case Study

The Problem
It can be hard to plan a trip and travel, and even harder to do so with others. The main pain points lie in how groups communicate, budget, and how the customer creates/receives packaging deals and accommodations. 

The Solution 
We believe in designing an app to travel with others for families and friends, or everyday users who travel together, we will achieve user accessibility for groups of people. 

Figma, Miro, ProCreate and Google Docs

Roxanne Reynolds - UX Researcher and Designer / UI Designer
Garrett Martin - UX Researcher and Designer / UI Designer

User Research
Interview Plan: Script
Research Question: As a user researcher, I want to understand behaviors and pain-points when planning trips with a companion or large groups.

Openers: Hello my name is Garrett Martin I am a UX/UI designer. I am conducting interviews to understand the pain-points and behaviors of planning a trip with a companion or large travel groups. All answers and input are valued - no such thing as judgment or stupid responses.
1. Let’s start with you telling me a little about yourself.
2. Can you walk me through your morning routine?
3. Are there any specific websites or apps that you like to use when you plan a trip?
4. How do you feel when you start to plan your trips?
5. What’s your favorite part about traveling?
6. Tell me about the last time you planned a vacation.
7. In the perfect travel planning experience, what would you like to exist that doesn’t today?

Objective 1 - Accommodations: methods of travel, hotel, food, rental car, etc.:
8. The last time you traveled, where did you stay?
9. How did you commute around?
10. Are those your preferences?
11. What sites or apps do you use to find hotels, rental cars, BnBs, trains, food, bars?
12. Can you walk me through how you use those sites?

Objective 2 - Communication methods:
13. What pain points have you experienced when planning a trip with someone else?
14. How do these affect your planning and travel experiences?
15. Who do you usually travel with?/What is your relationship with them?
16. Walk through the process of planning a trip with others? Any messaging apps or sharing methods?

Objective 3 - Finances:
17. How do you budget for a trip? 18. Walk me through how you compare prices. Hotels, planes, gas stations?
19. Walk me through a time when you split payment with another travel companion.

Thank you so much for your time. You provided me with a lot of helpful insights and we truly value your time.

Interview Transcripts:
"I think it would be cool to have an app that brought all of the travel planning into one central location." - RR

"It's a ton of time and I have to keep coming back to it and I forget what I'm doing. I have to start over and it takes forever. It's stressful and you can't get it done in one day." - LW

Affinity Diagram
Empathy Map
User Persona
Definition and Ideation
User Insight Statement
Joe is a full-time lawyer, who loves to travel to new and interesting places in his free time. He has a big family, all his partner's kids are in their early to late 20s. He loves to take his family on trips to see other family around the states. He also loves to go on trips with his own friends and brother. He’s a generous guy who loves adventure.

Problem Statement
We believe designing an app to travel with others for families and friends, or everyday users who travel together, we will achieve user accessibility for groups of people.​​​​​​​
Value Proposition Matrix
My organization Roamer(s) is developing an in-app total experience to help travelers and groups solve communication and budgeting issues for traveling the world.

We’re better because everything you need is within our app.

We’re believable because our customers are repeat customers.
User Scenario
User Journey Map
User Task Flow (Excel File)
User Flow (First, Second, and Third Iteration)
User Flow 4th Iteration
User Flow Final Iteration
Iterations and Feedback
After the first flow we realized we needed more bulk for onboarding and signup. 
Feedback from others was that there wasn’t enough information when circulating through the entire app, it wasn’t enough. 
We came to our final Iteration and then made our first lo-fi wireframe which gave us more indication of additional pages of flow to add. You will see that in module 3.

Competitor Analysis
Lo-Fi Wireframe Iteration 1
Lo-Fi Wireframe Iteration 2
Lo-Fi Wireframes

Lo-Fi iOS Prototypes
Lo-Fi iOS Clickable Testing (vid)
Lo-Fi iOS Clickable Prototype
Iterations and Feedback
We slowly progressed using the user flow to create low-fidelity wireframe. We eventually added more details for the onboarding process and the checkout process. 
After feedback from the teacher and family we have made the buttons larger, and started to work on making is IOS accessible. That will be shown in module 4.
Final Thoughts and Conclusions
Final thoughts on this process of making a traveling app were immense. There was so much learned from the research and definition/Ideation phase that helped develop the flow and wireframing stages. 

Overall we think that after iterations and feedback, the app worked fairly well, and was a success.
Roamer(s): Travel Made Easier For Everyone

Roamer(s): Travel Made Easier For Everyone
