Tree Potatoes
Tree Potatoes is a highly popular Singaporean YouTube Channel with more than 230 thousand subscribers. They specialise in creating listed content within the comedic genre.

Project Goals
Craft a fresh brand identity reminiscent of Wahbanana, an earlier channel developed by the Tree Potatoes team. The identity would need to be fun, energetic and playfully light-hearted. 
Creative Solution
To create an identity that screamed 'fun and zest' whilst maintaining the need to be memorable and timeless, we conceptualised a harmless-looking, 'derpy' potato character. This simpleton would be featured on a swing, that would be subsequently animated to create an introductory clip for all of Tree Potatoes' videos. The use of clean lines ensured the potato character would be clear in different colour reproductions, and be visible at small sizes as a YouTube thumbnail graphic. 

Tree Potatoes

Tree Potatoes

Brand Identity project for Singaporean YouTube channel Tree Potatoes.
