Fully vector designed book cover
For a private project, I created a book cover using Adobe Illustrator only. Vector design is such a versatile interface between illustration and graphic design.

'Twelfth Night, or What you will' is a romantic comedy by William Shakespeare written about 1600 to 1602.
The title refers to the 12th night after Christmas (Epiphany). At that time, this was celebrated lavishly in royal Britain with costumes, identity plays, alcohol etc.
Shakespeare incorporates the idea of identity swapping in his drama.

„Be not afraid of greatness.
Some are born great,
some achieve greatness,
and others have greatness thrust upon them.“

About: The young noblewoman Viola survives a shipwreck and strands on the coast of Illyria, unsure whether her twin brother Sebastian survived. Viola decides to change her identity and work as pageboy Cesario at Duke Orsino. She quickly becomes his closest friend and learns about the suffering of Orsino's unrequited love for Lady Olivia. Behind her false facade Viola hides her flaming love for the Duke. While running an errand, Olivia falls in love with Cesario at first sight. A confusion between all the lovers begins, full of heartbreak and misunderstood identity.
After sketching some thumbnails, I actually started with the color palette. I wanted a bright, high-contrasting color harmony with a minimized color selection. The sketches were created by using Adobe Fresco on iPad.
Since they are both the same person, I adapted the hairstyle, clothing and accessories to the same facial profile. The patterns are based on motifs from Shakespeare's time. But they are very abstract to geometric shapes.
(Source: 'The World of Ornaments', Taschen)
Hack: Actually, for the logo I simply changed an old, unused one. This is a quick tip for recycling data.
Font: Canto
| thank you.
Vector Book Cover


Vector Book Cover
