Graham J Riddell's profile

Transcend - Your out of Time

I AM calling you in
The Son of Man is coming 
The sound of drums are drumming
Prepare to be halted
Amazed and exalted
I AM calling you in
The piper plays his last pibroch
The cellist scythes her long bow
The heavenly angels sing
The tolling of the iron bell begins to ring
I AM calling you in
You stand where you shall fall
Your hands held up for redemption
The seconds tick towards conclusion
Your life was simply -  illusion
I AM calling you in
Will you look me in the eye
To tell me you loved your fellow man?
Or will your gaze falter lower
Towards the abyss beneath the floor?
I AM calling you in
You're out of time
You’re into infinity
Did you remember my Word
Or has it remained unheard
Out of Time
Transcend - Your out of Time

Transcend - Your out of Time

A short video exploring the concept of death and transition with a poem I wrote about our ''final' calling.


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