Murray Aston sin profil

Your City, Your Space.

Your City, Your Space'

As somebody who navigates Dublin City daily there is a palpable sense of alertness on the vibrant streets of Dublin. Perhaps this is not out of the ordinary for a capital city but, I've witnessed first hand the growing number of groups engaging in anti-social behaviour, drug dealing and general unwelcome pack mentality. Feeling compelled to highlight this uneasy trend and learn something at that same time, I've made these little motion pieces in the most impactful way I know how—through design.

Using Adobe After Effects, I've aimed to capture the essence of this troubling experience and hope (I guess) to capture how people view their own psychology of space. This project has been a journey of exploration, pushing not only the boundaries of what I could achieve with motion graphics, but also how I observe the cities interactions on my daily commute.

Your City, Your Space.

Your City, Your Space.
