THE HELIX is designed as a pavillion.
By using the golden ratio, the radial shape is formed. The pavillion is suggested to be built in an relaxing opened space. The main weakness is the circulation of the space. It is lacking of systematic arrangement around the main building which may result in confusion and chaos.

Architectural Principles
# Balance - B
alance in life and nature so to achieve harmony with enivironment
Emphasis - Provides a focus within the design solution
# Form - Provide a perception of weight by combining shape, size, scale and surface characteristics
Meaning - Cultural aspects of design elements with the principles of symbolism and imagery
Rhythm - A melodic response incorporated into the built solution
# Pattern - Repetitive or decorative of shape, texture, symbol or image
# Scale - Provide emotional or perceptual aspects
# Proportion -  A consistent set of visual relationships between the whole and to its context
# Grouping - Assembly of distinct parts to create larger "sections" or pieces within the whole composition
# Connection - Connection to the earth- evoking an emotional response
# Placement - Strengthen relationship that is perceived between the parts and the whole
# Unity - Combining to become a whole, creating an oneness space feeling

Design Elements
- texture - mass - space - shape - line


THE HELIX is designed as a pavillion. By using the golden ratio, the radial shape is formed. The pavillion is suggested to be built in an relaxin Read More
