Profil appartenant à John Arjee

Branding for Fiesta sa Kanto

Company Name: 
Fiesta sa Kanto

Client Background:
The client is a Filipino-themed dessert store named "Fiesta sa Kanto," specializing in traditional Filipino desserts. We aim to focus in a sense of Filipino culture and heritage in their branding and marketing materials.

Design Concept for Logo:
The client requests a Logo inspired by the colors of the Philippine flag, with the use of the Quiapo Free font, commonly base in Filipino jeepney signage, to reinforce the Filipino cultural theme.

Color need or want: 
The primary color scheme should be based on the colors of the Philippine flag: blue, red, and yellow. Additionally, include green, white, and black as supplementary colors.

Additional Notes:
The graphics will be used for both a newsletter and social media platforms.
Newsletter design in any format for email distribution and image format for web viewing.
Set of social media graphics optimized for various platforms, including square and vertical formats. 
Branding for Fiesta sa Kanto
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Branding for Fiesta sa Kanto

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