Profil von Leonardo Neves

ParNous 2021 - sun is shining again

ParNous 2021 sun is shining again
"Sun Goes to Vacation" embodies a deeply personal exploration into the realms of peace and contentment, devoid of life's frequent tumult. Inspired by personal experiences and the quest for balance, this project mirrors my journey towards achieving tranquility and fulfillment away from the daily grind.
This project was envisioned as a collection of visual portrayals that illustrate the concept of taking a break to rejuvenate. Each piece is crafted to invoke a sense of calm and contemplation, encouraging viewers to reflect on the significance of stepping back and appreciating moments of stillness.

Utilizing a combination of gentle photography, illustration, and subtle animations, each scene is brought to life, highlighting the serene beauty of nature and the restorative impact of quiet reprieves. The use of warm colors and peaceful compositions further enhances the theme of rest and rejuvenation.
More than a visual exploration, this project serves as a personal statement on the importance of prioritizing love and peace in one’s life. It celebrates the notion that true happiness and peace derive from embracing what genuinely brings joy and satisfaction, rather than perpetually chasing external ambitions.
"Sun Goes to Vacation" invites viewers to explore what it means to lead a peaceful and loving life. It serves as a reminder that sometimes all we need is a moment to pause, rejuvenate, and relish the good in life. This project is dedicated to those seeking to infuse their lives with greater peace, doing so purely for the sake of love.
ParNous 2021 - sun is shining again

ParNous 2021 - sun is shining again

