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Blending Food and Fitness for Pitstop Lagos

Blending Food and Fitness for Pitstop Lagos
The Challenge:
In 2020, just a few months after the business kicked off in Lagos, Nigeria’s commercial center, the Covid19 pandemic hit, followed by a global lockdown of cities and a meltdown of the hospitality industry globally. The pandemic and lockdown had an unusual toll on the business, leading to its eventual shutdown in 2020.

With the gradual easing of the lockdown and some semblance of normalcy returning, the business owners began to think deeply and differently about how to approach the hospitality business in a post-covid world where our urban lifestyle was evolving rapidly, and fitness has become a central part of living in cities.
The restaurant was practically unknown at the time and playing in a city with fierce competition by hundreds of restaurants competing to attract new customers while also bringing back their old customers.

Arden & Newton was engaged to help define and clarify a winning brand strategy, Re-launch strategy, content, and marketing strategy to help achieve top-of-mind awareness within a short period of time
My Role: Strategist and Project Manager (at Arden & Newton)
- I worked with the strategy team to conduct market and competitor analysis to understand how fitness can drive value for a restaurant brand in a bustling city like Lagos, Nigeria.
- Defined the brand purpose, vision, mission, archetype and values.
- Worked directly with a team of designers and developers to create a custom campaign page to build and engage community of fitness and healthy food enthusiasts in the city.
- Project manager for brand strategy development and brand activation campaign - video and print and digital media.
Blending Food and Fitness for Pitstop Lagos


Blending Food and Fitness for Pitstop Lagos


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