Medium: Pencil + Digital
Size: 3405 x 2721 px
Captured during a visit to Lucknow, this sketch vividly portrays the contrast between the old and the new amidst the backdrop of modern vehicles and buildings. A man pedaling a brightly colored rickshaw emerges as a vibrant focal point, celebrating the fusion of traditional sketching and digital artistry. The underlying burst of color enhances the artwork's vitality, while the digital medium allows for layering, bringing depth and life to the scene. I particularly enjoyed using the color dodge effect to highlight the rickshaw and the man's silhouette, mimicking the vividness of real-life hues and the radiance of everyday resilience. However, in reality, the man's expression conveyed more concern than anger, reflecting a contemplation of his day marked by the struggle for customers, evident in the absence of rides. His poignant expression captures not just an individual moment but encapsulates the broader struggle in a swiftly evolving and fast-paced society.
A Rikshaw Odyssey in Lucknow
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A Rikshaw Odyssey in Lucknow

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