Johnny Dombrowski's profile

Murder on the Orient Express

Murder in the Orient Express
Johnny Dombrowski
Black Dragon Press
"To celebrate the 40th anniversary of its release we invited New York illustrator Johnny Dombrowski to create this stunning poster for the film adaptation of Agatha Christie’s iconic whodunnit “Murder On The Orient Express”. In the spirit of this star-studded classic Johnny Dombrowski has cleverly peppered his illustration with a number of clues — plus a red herring or two — detective Hercule Poirot encounters during his investigation. Can you spot them all?"
Standard Edition
Variant Edition printed with metallic inks
Photo Credit White Duck Screen Printing
Murder on The Orient Express
Standard and Variant (printed with metallic inks)
Available for sale from Black Dragon Press
5-colour 24" x 36" hand-pulled screen print 
270gsm Mohawk Superfine Ultrawhite 
Hand numbered. Standard Edition of 110, Variant Edition of 50
Printed by White Duck Screenprint
Murder on the Orient Express

Murder on the Orient Express

Screen print poster of Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express completed for Black Dragon Press.
