Profil Kendall Dimeglio

Three Bathroom Decorating Trends for 2024

There are several trends individuals interested in redecorating their bathrooms should be aware of in 2024. To start, green and sustainable technologies have reshaped many aspects of the American home in recent years, and this includes the bathroom. Multiple sustainable trends are impacting bathroom decor and design trends in 2024, including eco-friendly fixtures. These hands-free, green fixtures use smart technology to conserve water, whether it is a sink faucet or showerhead. The latest models allow users to control every aspect of their experience, from water temperature to timed showers, combining environmentalism and customizable luxury.

Luxury and technology meet to form another bathroom decoration trend in 2024: bathtubs. Bathtubs are a key feature in many modern bathrooms, and in 2024 homeowners are investing in comfortable, stylish tubs designed for relaxation. Many modern tubs strive to produce a spa-like atmosphere at home. Freestanding tubs and built-in soaking tubs are especially popular. Related bathroom features include mood lighting and smart temperature control fixtures.

Finally, decorators are taking cues from sustainable trends and carrying them into the aesthetic design of bathrooms. These are increasingly featuring natural materials such as wood and stone, along with live plants. A few other decorating styles include vintage colors and a blended sleek-meets-rustic aesthetic.
Three Bathroom Decorating Trends for 2024

Three Bathroom Decorating Trends for 2024
