Profiel van maleka younes

The Baltodano Coffee Shots

The common image about coffee that is being shown “ You’re sitting in a lounge taking one sip at a time of your hot coffee while reading a book” , is no longer the real image of coffee anymore. 

The Baltodano Coffee is introducing a new Vision about coffee that is inspired by the fast paced life we’re living. 

The Baltodano Coffee did not forget the college students that had to stay up late to study for their exams or the workers that were running late for work and needed a fast coffee before they leave. We created a fast solution for all of them “a coffee shot” that can be taken directly from the capsule or in a cup filled with hot water.
The intensity of the coffee is identified through colors "blue" for medium and "red" for strong.
The Baltodano Coffee Shots


The Baltodano Coffee Shots
