Chhavi Mathurs profil

Coexistence Umbrella

           Coexistence Umbrella
These are some of the illustrations I made for the The Real Elephant Collective (TREC) for a project that explores the idea of the elephant as an umbrella species in the Western Ghats - protecting a whole range of species just by its inherent need for a fairly stable environment. The illustrated species are all endemic to this habitat shared with the elephant in the Western Ghats. 

This is an ongoing project and the TREC team plans to eventually design an actual umbrella using these and other illustrations to express this ecological concept in the form of a concrete and commonly used product. This is meant to raise further awareness and discussion around conservation issues and our coexistence with wildlife species.

The image above, composed as a "circle of coexistence", uses a few of my contributions to the project (which were a total of 10 paintings). 
You can view some of the individual paintings below:
Coexistence Umbrella


Coexistence Umbrella
