Rayden Bartletts profil

Immunity to Propaganda

This zine was the first time I had done something semi-professionally that was purely creative. It had no brand identity, didn't have to follow any set rules, wasn't held to any specifications. Before this, I was simply making things that fit into the mold that I had seen others create. I believe I have a long way to go before I really figure out my unique creative style but this was a step in the right direction for me. 
my moodboard for this zine
I took a lot of inspiration from the works of Shepard Fairey, as well as a lot of art from the 20s/30s that had a deep melancholic feel to them that felt perfect for the apathetic message I wanted to convey of "this is what's truly happening, I guess, but it doesn't really affect 'us', does it?"
Immunity to Propaganda

Immunity to Propaganda
