Front-End Features

Responsive Layout: Ensures a seamless experience across all devices.
Shopping Cart & Wishlist: Easy management of desired products.
Product Reviews: Customer feedback on products.
Coupons & Discounts: Engage customers with special offers.
Product Attributes: Includes cost price, promotion price, stock, size, etc.
Blog: Organized by category, tag, content, and web pages.
Modules/Extensions: For shipping, payment, discounts, and more.
Upload Manager: Manage banners and images efficiently.
SEO Support: Customizable URLs for better search engine rankings.
Newsletter Management: Keep subscribers updated.
Contact Forms: With real-time notifications via Laravel Pusher.
Related Products & Recommendations: Personalized suggestions.
Product Search Form: Quickly find products.
Social Media Integration: Login via Facebook, Google, & Twitter.
Product Sharing: Across different social platforms.
Payment Integration: Including PayPal.
Order Tracking System: Keep track of orders effortlessly.
Multi-Level Comment System: Engage with the community.

Admin Features

Role-Based Access Control: Define admin roles and permissions.
Product Management: Full control over product listings.
Media Management: Using unisharp laravel file manager.
Banner Management: Promote products or categories.
Order & Category Management: Keep everything organized.
Brand & Shipping Management: Maintain brand consistency and shipping options.
Review & Blog Management: Oversee customer reviews and blog content.
User & Coupon Management: Manage user accounts and promotional coupons.
System Configuration: Settings for email, shop info, and maintenance.
Analytics: Line charts and pie charts for data visualization.
PDF Order Generation: Create order receipts in PDF format.
Real-Time Messaging & Notifications: Stay updated instantly.

User Dashboard Features

Order Management: Track and manage personal orders.
Review Management: Leave feedback on purchased products.
Comment Management: Participate in product discussions.
Profile Settings: Update personal information and preferences.
E-commerce platform


E-commerce platform
