Profil appartenant à Ryan Reynolds

14 Mukhi / Fourteen Face Rudraksha

14 Mukhi / Fourteen Face Rudraksha Importance & Benefit
The fourteen Mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of Lord Shiva himself. And when Lord Hanuman guides the ruling planet of saturn. It is the strongest Rudraksha with high level energy.
And washing with Gangajal before wearing this Rudraksha. The eleven Mukhi Rudraksha wards off the evil eye and helps the native energy to rid of negative spirits and ghosts. And more the virtues of Mighty Hanuman, the wearing can feel a power of positive and courage inside him & her. Or the Fourteen Mukhi Rudraksha blesses the wearer with the enhanced wisdom, giving control over all bless and power with a strongest vocabulary. If you want this you buy 14 Mukhi / Fourteen Face Rudraksha online and offline.
14 Mukhi / Fourteen Face Rudraksha
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14 Mukhi / Fourteen Face Rudraksha

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