This is my podcast!  We chose the topic of whether or not influencers need to be their genuine selves on social media. Our controlling idea was about social media. This was really successful for us because everyone uses social media nowadays and there are a lot of ways to use it. Our audience is more young people who use social media for enjoyment and connecting with friends. Our big takeaway was that a lot of people curate their social media and are not their authentic selves, but it is important to stay true to yourself. 

I learned how to use the adobe audible, different styles of microphones, and the podcasting room. On the adobe audible app, I learned how to trim audio, add music, transition/fade sounds, remove background noise, and clarify recordings. I also learned about mindful recording spaces and the importance of recording additional white noise. 

We recorded our entire podcast in the recording room because it has the least amount of echoing and background noise. It has soundproofed walls and less mechanical hums than most places on campus making it quicker to edit audio because there is less that needs done. We were able to create a seamless transition from one audio to another with the help of extra white noise and the volume fading tool. 
This audio is actually very heavily edited. The speakers recorded their "conversation" separately, so I had to piece them together. Creating the perfect natural flow was quite the challenge. 
I really enjoyed cropping our mistakes in the recordings. Whether it was a bump on the table or someone misspeaking it was really interesting to see how much I could fix. It is neat to realize how natural it can sound even after being edited so heavily. 
NMS 101: Audio Unit


NMS 101: Audio Unit
