Profil użytkownika „Meditation Retreats Vietnam”

Peaceful Mind – Peaceful World

Peaceful Mind – Peaceful World
We are currently living in a civilized era with the advancement of science and technology. Even science and technology has brought many benefits to human life but couldn’t bring true happiness to humans. Meditation is the only way to make the mind pure and serene. The happiness from a pure mind or from meditation is so special that when we achieve it, we will be very confident in ourselves and know for sure that it is happiness. Today, silent meditation retreat appears worldwide in order to supply everyone to practice this feeling.
08:30 - 08:45: The first lesson
Learn regulations while staying in a pagoda and how to greet Monks and Nuns when meeting them.

08:45 - 9:10: The infinite blessing
Sutras are the Buddha’s teachings. Follow those teachings, we bring them into our life and benefit our living and cultivation.

9:15 – 9:30: Walking meditation - Mindful breathing
Walking meditation
By practicing mindfulness and being fully present in each moment, including every breath and step, we can cultivate the ability to find peace and happiness in all of our experiences, even amidst difficult and challenging circumstances.
Mindful breathing
Through the combination of inner energy movements and mindful breathing, we can develop a healthy body and mind that strengthen our ability to meditate.

9:35 - 09:45: The art of touching peace
Meditation is considered the practice of the philosophy of Happiness because the peace of our mind is greater than any of the pleasures of the world.

9:50 - 10:10: Soul purification
Practicing meditation is to lead mind to peace and insight, and to keep mind away from thought and sentiment. Meditation can help practitioners destroy self and ignorance, and then attain Enlightenment.

10:15 - 10:30: Mindful talking

10:35 - 10:45: The secret favour
The immortal eightfold gate, which was opened by Buddha, brought a lot of benefits for deities and human beings due to the appearance of Arhats.
Worshiping Arhats is the proper way to get blessing and seed “Enlightenment” next lives.

10:50 - 11:00: Compassionate practicing
Releasing beings is to practice compassion and good deeds to a long life

11:00 - 12:00: A grateful meal
It refers to the practice of expressing gratitude before and after eating a meal. We cultivate a sense of appreciation and mindfulness for the food we consume and to avoid wasting it.

12:00: Gift for visitors
Gift for visitors
Keep our unforgettable memory together.
We are a team of experienced travel experts who have organized hundreds of meditation tours for customers from countries around the world. Our Online Customer Support team has many years of professional experience in the travel industry, and can assist with any questions related to your tour.
Peaceful Mind – Peaceful World

Peaceful Mind – Peaceful World

