In today's society, there are many issues such as resource wastage and environmental pollution. The theme of "ANIMISM" emphasizes the profound emotional connection between humans and nature, endowing all things with equality, emotion, and respect.
Through our illustrated guidebook, we encourage exploring the world from different perspectives, allowing us to delve into the spirituality of all things and the potential connections between them and humans. We reiterate the importance of cherishing and preserving this connection, which can promote greater appreciation, equality, and respect for everything in our surroundings.
We hope to expose more people to this concept, thus encouraging humanity to pay more attention to and safeguard our world. Presented in the form of an interactive pop-up book with illustrations, this format is more engaging and leaves a lasting impression on readers.


The reverence of the divine is found within the indigenous narratives, intertwining worship with mythology to depict the entirety of the natural environment as imbued with spirit. Various forms of nature deities, assuming different visages, dwell concealed within the surroundings, silently blessing all within. Respect towards nature is paramount.

Objects have emotions too. It speaks of the items humans use in their daily lives. They develop feelings and memories with humans at different times and places.

Plants have hearts too. It speaks of plants being alive, with their emotions affected by human actions. Uttering incantations to summon them, sprites emerge to interact with humanity. It aims to convey that plants have consciousness.

Blessed Charms
Divided into Wealth Arrival, Heart-to-Heart Connection, and Health & Longevity, these talismans can be carried by the reader to bring blessings and fortune.



