Blacksmith's Quest is a top-down 2D action/adventure game built in the Godot gaming engine. It incorporates a side-scrolling hub-world and 4 bosses of varying difficulty.

In this game you play as a blacksmith on a quest to retrieve 3 magical artifacts in order to combine them into a weapon after an evil warlock cursed the King!



Image 1 - Overworld
The Hub of the game, the Overworld serves as a bridge between various dungeons, such as the Church shown here. Simply press 'E' to enter the abode.
Image 2 - Enemy Encounter: Hobbler
Hobblers tend to wander around, but if the Blacksmith gets too close, they chase after him! Its easy to get swarmed if you are not careful.
Image 3 - Game Over Screen
This seems self-explanatory.
Image 4 - Enemy Encounter: Shrieker
Shriekers are static monsters that lay in wait. If the player gets too close, they shriek and begin pelting the player with projectiles! Watch out for the Homing Variant later in the game!
1. Game Over Script - game_over.gd
2. Intro - intro_cutscene.gd
3. Player Script (Movement, Attack, Health) - player.gd
Blacksmith's Quest


Blacksmith's Quest
