Profil von Zelné Coetzee

A Teddy Named Fred & His Journey Home

The Brief 

This fun project is inspired by the quote, "The creative adult is the child who survived"(Ursula Le Guin). Drawing inspiration from children's imaginative freedom, this brief explores the theme of maintaining childlike wonder and creativity into adulthood. 

The assignment is to create a visual narrative using toys as main actors, set against everyday backdrops transformed into fantastical scenes in a series of photographs.
The narrative should be told through 4-6 images and should aiming to evoke a sense
of wonder and play akin to a child's perspective.

Fred's Journey Home

It's a tale about Fred the Teddy Bear, who is accidentally left behind at a playground in Boston Common. His adventure takes him through the park and the garden, making friends along the way until he finally returns home safely.
Chapter  1: Forgotten at the Park

In the quiet late afternoon in The Boston Common, Fred the Teddy Bear peeks out of a forgotten backpack on an empty park bench. It's clear he's been left behind as the playground behind him is empty, with no kids in sight. He looks like he's just about to climb out and start his unexpected adventure.

Chapter 2: The Frog's Counsel

Fred sits next to a friendly frog at the Frog Pond. They look like they're having a chat. Fred hopes the frog will help him find his way home, but the frog seems equally perplexed. He and his friends (one of whom can be seen in the back) only ever hang out at the pond and the playground, so they aren’t much help with directions.

Chapter 3: The Subway Puzzle

Down in the subway station, Fred tries to make sense of a big subway map. The dim lights make everything seem a bit scary and confusing. He decides not to hop on a subway train since he doesn't remember ever taking one before.

Chapter 4: Guidance from Mama Duck

In the bright garden, Fred meets Mama Duck, who's always guiding her ducklings
around. She knows every corner of the park and happily points Fred in the right
direction to get home.

Chapter 5: A Higher Perspective

Climbing up a tree, Fred gets a good look at the path ahead, his gaze fixed on Beacon Hill in the distance. This elevated perspective symbolizes his rising hope as his neighborhood appears within reach, signaling the nearing end of his journey.

Chapter 6: Returning Home

Finally, Fred sits triumphantly on the steps of his Beacon Hill home. The welcoming
pink wreath and matching flowers frame the brownstone’s wooden door, symbolizing warmth and safety. This heartwarming scene captures Fred's joyful return, concluding
his epic journey.

A Teddy Named Fred & His Journey Home

A Teddy Named Fred & His Journey Home
