An example screenplay I've written.
Screenplay: "Mask"

Scene 1:
Interior - Coffee Shop - Day
(A middle-aged man, TOM, sits alone in a coffee shop. His expression is contemplative, tinged with a subtle melancholy. The ambient noise of chatter and passing cars fills the background. TOM picks up his cell phone, hesitates, then begins to type a message.)

(muttering to himself) "How are you?" Why do I keep starting with this?

Scene 2:
Interior - Coffee Shop - A few minutes later
(A young woman, EMMA, enters the shop, her presence marked by a bright, inviting smile. She spots TOM and approaches.)

(cheerfully) Hi there! Is this seat taken?

(with a playful tone) Sadly, no. I've reserved it for a ghost who's yet to show up.
(EMMA laughs, charmed by the humor, and sits opposite TOM.)

Scene 3:
Interior - Coffee Shop - Continuing
(The atmosphere lightens as TOM and EMMA chat. The shadows of sadness on TOM’s face begin to lift, replaced by a tentative cheer.)

(with genuine curiosity) So, what’s been happening in your world?

(opening up) It’s been tough, honestly. But this conversation... it’s been a bright spot in my day.

Scene 4:
Interior - Coffee Shop - A little later
(After a warm conversation, TOM gets ready to leave. He stands, the light outside casting a glow on his now peaceful expression.)

(smiling) It was great talking to you, Emma. Thanks for brightening my day.

Scene 5:
Exterior - Street - Several days later
(TOM exits the coffee shop and spots EMMA across the street helping a child. Overcome with gratitude, he crosses the street to speak to her.)

(gratefully) Hey, Emma, thanks again. Meeting you was really wonderful.

(beaming) I'm glad we met, Tom. Take care!
(They part ways with genuine smiles. TOM pauses, his smile broadening as he continues his walk.)

Scene 6:

Exterior - Street - Several months later
(TOM walks along the street, his demeanor joyful and uplifted. In the background, a sign is visible: “Emma’s Aid Foundation.”)

Scene 7:
Closing Scene - Voiceover
(A warm, reflective voice fills the scene.)

Real connections can light up even our darkest moments. Because even behind our masks, true connections find a way.

Burak Furkan Koyuncu...
Screenplay Sample

Screenplay Sample



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