SunnyD Vodka Seltzer

AI Images, Photo Edit
Photoshop, Midjouney


Instead of searching all over the web for the perfect elements, or using 3D simulation software to create the perfect orange splashes, I decided to put Midjourney, a relative technological newcomer, to the test in creating the splashes and sliced orange elements for this piece.

Midjourney, for those of you who don't already know, is a fairly new AI-based Image Generator. Except for the can, it was used to create all of the elements in this piece.
All elements were then carefully masked, color graded, and composited in Photoshop.

Due to inconsistent looks in Midjourney, which caused varying levels of translucency and affected the ability of some elements to be properly composited, various compositing techniques were used and only a small amount of images were actually used compared to the number generated.

Q: Will I continue to use AI Image Generators on projects?  

A: Sure, but for select elements only. AI simply is not there yet for anything more than creating bits and pieces, IMO. For anything more, you may get lucky with an image here and there, but how art-directable is it? Not very, I'd say.  Not yet, anyway.






