armita zolanvari sin profil

scanimation illusion design

A scanimation designe is a type of animation created by placing a series of images or shapes on different layers and then moving them in sequence to create the illusion of motion. This technique often involves scanning or flipping through these layers rapidly, either manually or using a device, to create an animated effect. Scanimation designs are commonly used in children's books, advertisements, and interactive media to add visual interest and engagement.

Creating a scanimation involves a few key steps:
1. Conceptualisation: Determine the desired motion or effect you want to achieve. This could be a simple movement like a bouncing ball or a more complex animation sequence.
2. Design: Create individual frames or images that will make up the animation. These can be hand-drawn or digitally created. Each frame should represent a small progression in the motion.
3. Layering: Arrange the frames in layers. Each frame should be placed on a separate layer to allow for easy manipulation and sequencing.
4. Assembly: Stack the layers on top of each other in the desired order. Ensure that each frame is slightly offset from the previous one to create the illusion of motion.
5. Scanning or Flipping: Once the layers are assembled, scan or flip through them rapidly to create the animation effect. This can be done manually by hand, or using a scanner or specialized device designed for scanimation.​​​​​​​

scanimation illusion design


scanimation illusion design
