CD Cover
CD Label
Title Page
Timeline Page
This page shows the chronological order of the history if the Roman Empire. This includes the era, emperors, and significant events. The user have a freedom to select the era on the left side to display the information.
This page shows the territorial map of the Roman Empire during the era (right) that is  selected by the user.
This page shows the categorized contributions of the Roman Empire.
Legacy sub-menu sample
Legacy sub-page sample
This page defines the terms used in this project related to the Roman Empire.
Shows the old and new iconic structures of the Roman Empire. The "New" option shows the 3D remodeled structure.
"Old" shows the present location and facade of the structure. 
Mini games
Shows three mini games the user can navigate by clicking. This page adds interactivity, entertainment, and tests the knowledge of the user.
Trivia sub-page lets the user buy trivias by using the score he/she earned in the 3 mini games
Displays the reference used in this project
Navigation icons
Navigation icons hover
Sample menu
Sample menu hover
Imperial Rome

Imperial Rome

The project is an interactive CD about the history of the Roman Empire that seeks to show its culture and the historical significance specificall 阅读更多内容
