Dogfree Brand Design

Since its inception, Dogfree has made it its mission to improve the quality of life and the living environment of pets. We plan to upgrade the original brand image, the mascot set up the most basic emotional link between the brand and the user, a large area of striking color matching as a visual basis, with simple and generous graphic layout, derived a unique and distinct visual effect. When users contact the product, they can immediately feel the brand's simplicity, sincerity, and all-round care for pets. This design concept not only makes Dogfree unique among many brands, but also attracts a large number of consumers who care about the health and quality of life of pets.

Dogfree 自创立伊始,便将提升宠物生活品质、改善宠物生活环境视为使命。我们对原有的品牌形象进行规划升级,吉祥物的设定为品牌和用户之间建立起最基础的情感链接,大面积醒目的撞色搭配作为视觉基础,配合简洁大方的图文布局,衍生出一套独特而鲜明的视觉效果。让用户接触产品时,能即刻感受到品牌的朴素无华、真诚以待,以及对宠物的全方位呵护。这种设计理念不仅让 Dogfree 在众多品牌中独树一帜,还吸引了大批关爱宠物健康与生活品质的消费者。
Dogfree Brand Design

Dogfree Brand Design
