"Ghastly Ghouls" was a small passion project that I wanted to make in light of a Halloween-themed art show called "Creepin' it Real". I typically like drawing skulls for the fun of it because I admire the anatomy and recognizability of it. I wanted to add a but of my own twist to it as well. As an approach, I drew various elements on a sketchbook then scanned them into Illustrator, then rearranged the pieces in order to come to the final result.

I separated the layers and set them up for screen printing, and made a total of 23 prints. I would like to expand on something like this in the future with halloween related iconography or expand outward.

Some of the ink was a little more transparent than I had realized, which is a processing error on my end, but I am happy with the overall result as it also makes good practice.

Thanks for looking!
Ghsatly Ghouls

Ghsatly Ghouls
