First time doing any film work. This was a simplistic Kuleshov recreation. The Kuleshov effect is an editing style in which viewers gain more meaning from two consecutive shots than from a single shot.
I really enjoyed this video unit. Not only did I learn how to use Adobe premiere, but I also created a meaningful video about an undervalued part of campus. I knew right off the bat that I wanted to do a video about Clack. Clack is the Alma college art building. It holds the gallery, many studio spaces, and the woodshop. It is where creativity is born. 

I didn't have the real direction till I was editing and happen to be listening to my classical music study playlist. Lots of Beethoven and Tchaikovsky were top choices for music but when I heard Four Seasons I knew that it was perfect. It really changed my editing and I had to take a few extra shots that I felt that it was missing. My video tells the story of a strange place filled with strange unfinished things. A place filled with emotions. Filled with feelings. Filled with thousands of pieces of people. Pieces of artists. Pieces of humanity.

 The drastic changes like rapid transitions with contrasted colors helped convey the message of a strange place and slight aspects of confusion. The shots under the rainbow wispy art piece created a wonderfully joyous feature that were quite opposite of other abrupt and jarring shots. 

Through this assignment I learned about the different shot types and their uses. One example is the difference of pan moving horizontally and tilt moving up and down. I learned about editing techniques and I used a lot of montages and intercutting. I really enjoyed leaning how to use premier. The video editing tools and transitions were super useful and really brought my video to life.

I used a variety of shot types and editing techniques. One of my favorite parts of my video is where I have two shots overlayed with one having really low opacity. This creates a very whimsical and free-flowing effect that I wouldn't have been able to achieve with a simple transition. I also liked how Premiere had audio editing tools so I could fade out my audio at the end of the video. 
One of my biggest successes was probably using simple camera tricks for some of the editing in the moment. By getting really close to objects it created an impromptu transition so while I was filming, I felt like I was already writing the story. I didn't have to wait for the editing for it to start to come to life.

One of my biggest failures was likely the quality of some of my camera shots. I really struggled getting the settings on the camera set for my location. Fortunately, I covered up some of the poor shot quality with the noise editing tool. This made the shots look like they were right off of a VHS from my childhood. I really liked this looked, especially at the beginning of my video. 
Part of the assignment was to create a shot list. In class I thought of some ideas and did some sketching. Then after class I went searching for shots for my actual list. 
This is my location research. I am observing lighting, shadows, balance, and framing.  I started by analyzing my location over a few days and taking notes on the differences. 
I then spent multiple days getting clips and taking pictures so I could have a variety of shots. The positions of items in the studio spaces change and gave me a unique variety. 
NMS 101: Videography


NMS 101: Videography
