The Legion Process

Our School aims to reach the best of best players through recruiting. Based in Rogers Arkansas, it is a high established college influencing players to come in with the high motive to push athletic achievements to the max. All things coming from this college are the highest quality as it is a state college with a huge fund. The school looks to bring enthusiasm and competitiveness to the field across the state. Fans of the Legion require the upmost excellence along with great hype. The mascot looks to capture the true dominance of the centurions. As the Centurions and Rome were looked at as the greatest military power for a long time the Legion looks to instill that message into opponents.
Designing the Centurion
Beining with a base outline of our centurion I wanted to show the smug aggression on the soldiers' face, the idea that victory is inevitable was the intent. I also wanted the centurion to stand over a mountain to emphasize the total dominance of our mascot. As shown in the process above once the base outline for the centurion was established, I then converted the piece to shapes to capture more shadows. Moving into color I wanted to maintain an authentic look with the colors. Although other exploration in color was attempted the bold statement of the aggressive red along with hard greys explained our mascot the best.  
Legion Mascot

Legion Mascot
