Perfil de Katie Smagala

Recombination Newsletter

Recombination is a newsletter created for a mock client from the University of Central Florida. For this project, a disorganized “client” who knew little about graphic design provided all of the text and images. While creating this newsletter, I had to maintain consistent contact with the client through email and answer any questions he had about the process of creating the newsletter. As I mentioned, images and text were provided. Still, I did have to convert images to the correct resolution and convert them into duotone images using the spot colors chosen for the publication. The text also needed to be proofread and edited before putting it into the newsletter. I was also tasked with creating a masthead design. So, while this was a publication design project overall, it also included a great deal of client work, communication, and professionalism. 

The actual size of the booklet is 8.5" x 11"
Recombination Newsletter

Recombination Newsletter
