Profil von Hubert Marz

Earth Liberation Project #1 Organized Orca Front

Earth Liberation Project #1 Organized Orca Front

The sinking cargo ship, a symbol of international trade liberalization and economic globalization, succumbs to a coordinated attack by a group of orcas. The orca front joins the myriad fronts fighting for the liberation of Mother Earth, including bacteria, fungi, arthropods, trees, water… The human front is also spreading throughout the world with the awakening of the ancestral wisdom that has been dormant in colonized and alienated communities. The awakening of this wisdom transforms us into embodiments of Mother Earth and ignites an offensive that will unsettle the capitalist powers.
Inspired by the process of liberation of Mother Earth carried out by the Nasa people in Cauca, Colombia.

The billboards were realised within Kunstsalon “In der Kubatur des Kabinetts – CARE IN EARTH” at

Curated by Ursula Maria Probst

Image by Hubert Marz and Susana Ojeda

Earth Liberation Project #1 Organized Orca Front

Earth Liberation Project #1 Organized Orca Front
