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Understanding the Different Types of Tooth Pain

Understanding the Different Types of Tooth Pain
Toothache is a common occurrence, especially in adults. According to the NYC Health website: “one in four adults has untreated tooth decay, and nearly half of all adults have gum diseases.” These problems are the leading cause of various dental issues, such as pain, infections, and difficulty eating. Depending on the severity, it may be necessary to seek emergency dental care.

Other types of pain that are not classified as urgent but do still need examination by a reputable dentist include minor chips, cracks, and teeth sensitivity, among others. In this article, we talk more about different types of toothaches, their causes, and what to do about them.

Pain When Biting (Often Abscesses)

Do you sometimes experience pain when biting or chewing on your favorite snacks? It can be caused by a series of problems that include an abscess (a pocket of pus that is caused by bacterial infection), fracture, or crack. While it may be easy to chew on a different side, you need to visit the doctor immediately to have this assessed. Prolonging the doctor’s visit may exacerbate the infection, requiring expensive emergency dental care.

Sensitivity to Heat and Cold

When you expose your teeth to hot or cold temperatures, such as when drinking coffee or ice-cold soda, you may experience discomfort. Sensitivity is the sharp, fleeting pain you experience when consuming either hot or cold foods. It can be caused by a couple of factors, like exposed tooth roots or cavities, teeth grinding (bruxism), and teeth clenching. While this is not an emergency issue, it’s still best to see a doctor for a diagnosis and treatment.

Throbbing Pain

This is pulsating and debilitating and it might begin as mild, but worsen to the point that it makes it impossible to concentrate on anything else. It is usually a sign of tooth decay caused by root canal infection, and it warrants emergency dental care because any delay can cause the infection to spread to other teeth and the rest of the body.

Intermittent Pain

This is throbbing or pulsating, and it comes and goes. Its presence is an indicator of tooth decay, and it usually signals cavity development. You can combat this by regularly brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste and flossing. In addition, general oral hygiene is vital to prevent cavities from worsening.

Acute (Sharp) Pain

Unsolicited, intense pain that occurs when you bite on something and it causes great discomfort. It is caused by tooth decay or untreated cavities, and untreated cavities provide an entrance for bacteria-causing infections. This occurs gradually, however, if left unattended, there might be a need for emergency dental care.

Dull Pain

This type is persistent, uncomfortable, but often mild. It is not debilitating, and you might get on with your business without hindrance; however, it does create some discomfort. It is a sign of bruxism or infection, so you should seek medical treatment to prevent it from worsening.

Toothache, whether mild, intermittent, or ongoing, causes discomfort that may stop you from enjoying your favorite foods and beverages. These types of pain indicate problems that require medical attention. Some pains are severe and need emergency dental care to prevent further damage. Whatever the case, if you are experiencing toothache, seek help from a reputable dentist for diagnosis and prompt treatment.
Understanding the Different Types of Tooth Pain


Understanding the Different Types of Tooth Pain


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